
The Power Of Accomplishment

Accomplishment is what you've gotten and what your achievement is in life. A Supernatural Accomplishment  is divine and they are beyound human immeginations.  Gen 9:27, “God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.”Exo 34:24, “For I will cast out the nations before you, and enlarge your borders: neither shall any man desire your land, when you shall go up to appear before the LORD your God thrice in the year.” God will flush out anyone illegally occupying your space or portion and enlarge your borders in Jesus name. " Supernatural enlargement is a covenant issue." Deu 19:8, “And if the LORD your God enlarge your coast, as he has sworn to your fathers, and give you all the land which he promised to give to your fathers; Requirements for Expansion 2Kings 6:1-7 1. Desire expansion. Every change begins with a burning desire. This place had become too small for us. No matter what you have, you can have

The Creature

The creature trying to be creative created a debut, Miniature trying to be majestic created insipid desserts Torture meant for few boomerang, We all dine with our golden spoon munching on bitter soup with smiling faces. Who are we to blame? It's a joint effort......though we have all stretch a helping hands for the meal. Nothing is free even in Freetown, everything is paid for, good union Even the sorrowful union. Can it ever stop? We wanted to be wiser than our creator giving Caesar shekels to him. Will these ever be exterminated . Indeed The creature are wiser exchanging her for everything Nothing can be successful without her She is not everywhere though everybody cherish Many are in the cooling mansion due to her stings Her stings are recognised The medium of exchange The panacea to all glorious problem . Until man creates a place for her. And create a pleasure for themselves without her They will continue to March en masse to the inevitable cooling mansi
Observation is  the ability to notice something especially significant details.there will be less problems, spending, fasting and prayers, wars and strives, hatred and rancour .  the world will be devoid of  all her higgledy peggledy if she is set in motion. She is the genealogy of good and bad, life and death, war and peace, Havens and Hades, Observation determines the operations of a man spirit. A close look at every significant details could..... How  details are you about you, have you observe you in order to create a change. It begins with you, you are a maze of love made to change your world. You need love to unveil and spring into action. Just observe you and see you are an epitome of love by Love. A cursory look will just do it. The world awaits you.                                                                                                 GOD’S DIADEM Vice President (Miss Becky) 

How to Build a Long Lasting Relationship

How to Build a Long Lasting Relationship Everyone wants a butterflies-in-your-stomach still-in-love-50-years-later kind of love. But, based on the research of failed relationships and marriages, not many are willing to put in the work to accomplish this kind of love. Relationships are hard work. Even the most successful couples admit that keeping their love alive isn’t easy. [1]  However, if you’re willing to put in the effort, you can build a long-lasting relationship. Communicating Effectively 1 Practice active listening.  This means preparing to listen to hear the message of your partner and not to prepare your defense. Find a time and place where you can be without distractions and focus only on what your partner is saying. Try to set aside your negative perceptions about his or her actions or motives so you can focus on the conversation in real time.  [2] Orient towards your partner. Make eye contact. Nod your head when you agree and show you are attentive


"Why You Must Attend This Program" The advantage of attending these classes are that you realise you are not the only one to struggle with a particular problem, and more importantly you get to hear the views of both men and women. Many people get a sense of relief when they attend this type of program and helps boost confidence. This program is anchored for the purpose of rebuilding lost trust to startup a new relationship. Statistics says that most humans do not even know what they want, they are driven by what they see, how true is this? Come lets talk about it. Come and shear your view, ask your most pressing questions. Most of us have the willingness to stay in an already existing relationship but the current re-occurrences  seems to make you have doubts, Why Single Mingle To Tangle is the right place to be.  Mansions were never built in just a day. Now is the appointed time for you to make it up to start building your relationship from the very scratch with the

This Is the Best Age to Get Married (According to Relationship Experts)

There are a lot of factors that play into whether you and the person you are dating will make it down the aisle. A relationship’s survival can be determined by several factors:  communication skills , teamwork , and even just sticking by each other during the low moments. One other consideration to take before tying the knot? Age. “We are a society that had been conditioned to marry right after college, or, in some areas, right after high school,” says Audrey Hope , a celebrity relationship expe rt. “The culture has a map for us, and if we don’t follow the silent order, we feel that we are doing something wrong and will be left behind and ultimately alone in love.” Some relationship experts will tell you that age as a number is less important than age as experience. However, according to April Davis , the founder of LUMA Luxury Matchmaking, “There isn't necessarily a best age to get married, but there definitely is a best time to get married. The best time to get married is


The members of the Christian Youth Fellowship of Church of God Mission International (Hereinafter referred to as "The Fellowship") Realizing the need for a viable fellowship of the youth in our mission for this end time, establishing an image of the youths, that cannot be despised, a people founded on God's sure word of prophecy, with integrity and for the purpose of promoting the welfare of members. We believe strongly that we can contribute substantially to the upliftment in the quality and image of our churches and the ever high flying banner of Christ in our environment through interaction and participation in the daily run of societal life, inspiring and motivating the youths to an enhanced fellowship in the spirit, education, exposure, meaningful employment and participation in business, government and ministry. As a people with fire of the spirit burning in our hearts and the wings of obedience on their feet, do hereby enact and give to ourselves this gover