The Creature

The creature trying to be creative created a debut,
Miniature trying to be majestic created insipid desserts
Torture meant for few boomerang,
We all dine with our golden spoon munching on bitter soup with smiling faces.
Who are we to blame?
It's a joint effort......though we have all stretch a helping hands for the meal.
Nothing is free even in Freetown, everything is paid for, good union
Even the sorrowful union. Can it ever stop?
We wanted to be wiser than our creator giving Caesar shekels to him.
Will these ever be exterminated .
The creature are wiser exchanging her for everything
Nothing can be successful without her
She is not everywhere though everybody cherish
Many are in the cooling mansion due to her stings
Her stings are recognised
The medium of exchange
The panacea to all glorious problem .
Until man creates a place for her.
And create a pleasure for themselves without her
They will continue to March en masse to the inevitable cooling mansion in their prime.
                                                                                      GOD’S DIADEM
Vice President (Miss Becky)


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