Why Single Mingle To Tangle
"Why You Must Attend This Program"
The advantage of attending these classes are that you realise you are not the only one to struggle with a particular problem, and more importantly you get to hear the views of both men and women. Many people get a sense of relief when they attend this type of program and helps boost confidence.
This program is anchored for the purpose of rebuilding lost trust to startup a new relationship. Statistics says that most humans do not even know what they want, they are driven by what they see, how true is this? Come lets talk about it. Come and shear your view, ask your most pressing questions.

Most of us have the willingness to stay in an already existing relationship but the current re-occurrences  seems to make you have doubts, Why Single Mingle To Tangle is the right place to be. 

Mansions were never built in just a day. Now is the appointed time for you to make it up to start building your relationship from the very scratch with the right man, not just the right man but the man with the Fear of God. 

Why Single Mingle To TangleIt was once said that "proper preparation prevent poor performance". 

Remember Its Just 19days Away.
Date: 8th July 2018
Venue: Church Auditorium
Host: CYF Ughelli Zonal Headquarter

"Be There Dont Miss It"

Signed By
Alfred Kenneth
Youth President


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